Saturday, March 22, 2008

I'm Gonna Be a Grandma............

Welp, accidents happen, eh?
My son called me a week ago to let me know that I will be a Grandma in November. Actually, they're not at all financially preprared for this joy about to come their way but I've offered for them to live with me until baby is 3 months old to try and get their feet on the ground.
My son is actually really excited. I haven't seen him like this before. I hope it lasts a lifetime for him, to always look at and think of his child with love.

And in the midst of it, my daughter wants to go to WSU which is only like 15 months away. It's like $22K a year. So, we're applying madly for scholarships and I'm desperately trying to figure out my finances and how we make it all happen. I need to demand more help and self-responsibility from these kids though. These are not my choices, yet as a mom I want to help and let them experience and go places I never had the opportunity to do.

What's another name for Grandma?


Barney said...

A new little bundle of joy..
hope all works out well...

another name for Grandma...
my kids call my mom.. Dramma
Te-Ti (not sure on the spelling)

A few ideas..
Take care!!!!

The Bizza said...

It's awesome that your kid is excited about his new arrival. That bodes well for the future.